If you did not like the purchased goods model, color, size or any other, you can return them within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of delivery.
If you want to return item, contact: info@elfai.lt or info@bisous.lt
Returning items is necessary to submit together with a purchase documents and order number. If an item purchased at point of sale, you must provide a receipt.
Address if you want to send back items:
“MADOS NAMAI” Kęstučio a. 4 (II- aukštas), Ukmergė LT20130 Lithuania. Is necessary to indicate personal details, account number and order number.
Replacement or returned item must meet the following criteria:
1. The returned item must be unused;
2. The returned item must be undamaged;
3. The item is returned in its original and undamaged packaging, with the exception of changes in the appearance of the packaging, which were necessary to inspect the item;
4. The item is returned with its original label;
5. The item is returned with the same package contents as received by the Buyer;
6. The returned item has retained its appearance.
7. If the Buyer is returning goods with the purpose of elimination of defects, the following conditions shall be observed:
8. The returned item is clean;
9. The item is returned with the same package contents as received by the Buyer.
The Seller shall make exchanges to items of the same price or to a similar item free of charge. If an item returned is exchanged to a cheaper one, the Seller shall refund the price difference to the Buyer. If the item returned is exchanged to a more expensive one, the Buyer shall pay an amount equal to the price difference.
In case of product exchange to another size, colour, or model, re-delivery is free of charge. The Buyer and Seller shall agree by e-mail or telephone on re-delivery or collection of the goods.
Upon sending goods by the Buyer to the Seller for return or exchange due to the product defects or defect elimination, the product shipping / delivery costs shall be borne by the Buyer.
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